Randall J. Wood
Oklahoma City, OK
Phone: 405-552-5206
Fax: 405-235-2904
Practice Areas:
Administrative Law
Appellate Practice
Banking & Finance
Civil Rights Defense/Public Entity
Commercial Litigation
Complex Tort Litigation
Employment Liability
Insurance & Coverage
Professional Liability
Randall Wood has practiced law since 1983, focusing on civil rights law, employment law, and commercial litigation. Mr. Wood graduated from Oklahoma State University in 1980, and received a Juris Doctor Degree from the University of Oklahoma in 1983. Mr. Wood was a member of Phi Alpha Delta and an editor of the Oklahoma Law Review.
For twelve years, Mr. Wood served as corporate secretary, vice president and staff counsel for an Oklahoma City based private corrections company. As corporate counsel and corporate secretary Mr. Wood was actively involved in corporate governance matters, including establishing Audit Committee procedures, corporate ethics matters, review of corporate filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, financial disclosure issues, and compliance with the Sarbanes Oxley Act. Mr. Wood was also responsible for a variety of employment law matters for the company and frequently led corporate training seminars on employment law and securities law issues. Mr. Wood prepared and implemented company training programs dealing with sexual harassment, discrimination, Family and Medical Leave Act, ADA, and civil rights issues.
Mr. Wood presently is Of Counsel to the Oklahoma City firm of Pierce, Couch Hendrickson, Baysinger & Green. Mr. Wood continues to represent municipal, county and corporate clients in employment and civil rights litigation.
University of Oklahoma College of Law, Norman, Oklahoma - J.D.
Law Review: Oklahoma Law Review, 1981 – 1983Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma - B.S.
Major: Psychology
Bar Admissions:
Oklahoma, 1983
U.S. District Court Western District of Oklahoma, 1983
U.S. District Court Northern District of Oklahoma, 1983
U.S. Court of Appeals 10th Circuit, 1983
Published Works:
AAPL Form 610 Model Form Operating Agreement: Imposing Limitations on the Operator’s Ability to Require Contribution from Nondefaulting Nonoperators, 36 Okla. L. Rev., 1982
The Allocation of Risk in Gas Purchase Contracts After Golsen v. ONG Western, Inc., 13 Okia. City U.L. Rev. 503, 1988
“The Law of Slander of Title”, Oklahoma City Mineral Lawyers Society, December, 1993
“The Scope of Burk v. K-Mart Protection for Whistleblowing, SEC Regulations on Mandatory Attorney Reporting, and the Impact of the Sarbanes Oxley Act”, Oklahoma Bar Association Continuation Legal Education Seminar “Law of the Workplace”, April, 2004
“Employment Law Developments”, Sterling Education Seminars CLE Program, Oklahoma City, September, 2008
“Sexual, Racial, and Other Harassment in the Workplace”, Sterling Education Seminars CLE Program, Oklahoma City, September, 2008
“Responding to Substance Abuse and Alcoholism Issues in the Workplace Under FMLA, ADA and Workers’ Compensation Laws”, Lorman Education Services CLE Seminar, Oklahoma City, February, 2009
“Update on Americans With Disabilities Act – 2009 Amendments.” Presentation to Oklahoma Case Managers Society – Oklahoma Chapter, Norman, Oklahoma, October 1, 2009.
“Recent Development in Employment Law.” Presentation to Eastern Oklahoma Chapter of the Medical Management Group Association, Tulsa, Oklahoma , July 2010
“What Constitutes the Use of Excessive Force” , Lorman Education Services CLE Seminar on “Police Liability,” Oklahoma City, August 12th, 2010
“Expanding Agenda of the National Relations Board, “ Sterling Education Seminars CLE Program, Oklahoma City, 2012
“Employment Law Issues in the Workplace, “ Sterling Education Seminars CLE Program, Oklahoma City, 2012
"Lessons Learned in Employment Litigation and Civil Rights Litigation" Presented to Oklahoma Sheriff's Association, February, 2015
"Electronic Discovery Issues and Spoliation," Oklahoma Association of Defense Attorneys Trial Academy on "Pretrial Litigation", October 2016.
“Issues Arising from Arrests, Searches and Seizures,” Oklahoma Bar Association presentation, May 2020.
“It’s the Officer’s Fault.”Consideration of Police Officers’ Pre-seizure Conduct in Use-Of-Force Cases. For the Defense Magazine, Defense Research Institute, July 2023.
Past Employment Positions:
Avalon Correctional Services, Vice President and Staff Counsel, 1995 – 2007
Stack & Barnes, Associate Attorney, 1983 – 1993
Pro Bono Activities:
Vice President, Board of Directors – Harding Charter Preparatory High School, 2005 – 2010