Economic Injury Disaster Loans: What You Need to Know to Take Advantage Now Julie WaddleNovember 6, 2020
UASLAW NETWORK’s newest compendium of law focuses on worker’s compensation COVID-19 issues Julie WaddleJune 9, 2020
Attorney Katie Sommer Lee receives Oklahoma Magazine’s 40 Under 40 Recognition Julie WaddleApril 7, 2020
Furloughs v. Layoffs/Reductions-In-Force: Guidance for Oklahoma employers during the coronavirus pandemic Julie WaddleMarch 24, 2020
Pierce Couch Continues Support of Oklahoma City University School of Law’s Efforts in On-Going Pro Bono Involvement in the Community Julie WaddleMarch 16, 2020
Attorney Jeffrey Hendrickson Presents at OCU Law on Dealing with Sexual Harassment in the Modern Work Place at OCU Law Julie WaddleMarch 15, 2020
Successful jury trial result obtained by Pierce Couch attorneys Stanton, Smith and Schreck Julie WaddleFebruary 4, 2020